Why Can’t I See Who Viewed My Snapchat Story
There are many possible reasons that your Snapchat story view list is glitching or plainly will not show; this could boil down to a typically answerable bug issue with the app’s processes, or it could also possibly be a connection problem. Snapchat, being an application (app,) there are many possible ways for it to glitch, malfunction, or even shut down entirely; with the app also being a “piece” of technology, malfunctions and errors are an inevitable side effect of the technical landscape. With that said, since Snapchat’s release back on July 8th of 2011, kicking off under the now changed title of “Picaboo” for iOS users only; we have seen it go from being considered the possible future of social media to a possible app with features that may do more harm than good. Furthermore, with its 24 hours clean sweep function, some users might prefer to take their conversations to another platform for the sake of being able to remember what was said thirty minutes ago. At the same time, there are a number of loyal users that have stuck it out with the app; through bumps, trials, and malfunctions that have been experienced the app. Snapchat has seen its fair share of problems. Additionally, this is not the first time users have had issues with seeing their viewers list for their Snapchat stories or “snaps,” if you will. Also, like any other app, it is not exempt from system errors, display glitches, and or process malfunctions. This can prove to be both frustrating and quite inconvenient for its seasoned users and new users alike, though also, much like other applications, these issues can be resolved. It could be as simple as clearing the app cache for the Snapchat app or as complicated as the Snapchat servers going down. Any form the problem may take, we have the appropriate fixes for them.
1. Is it Possible You’ve Got a Bug
The issue of not being able to see your views list for your Snapchat stories could be brought on by a bug issue. Now, when we say “bug,” we do not mean there is literally a bug crawling around in your phone, stirring up trouble; instead, we mean there is a technical bug problem. The term “bug” is essentially a blanket word for errors, malfunctions, and or glitches, typically in a system or computer program. Much like the second meaning, being an insect, this is not something you want sticking around, as it will cause nothing but problems and inconvenience for you. When you attempt to log into an account of any form, and you follow all the needed information, such as providing your login credentials and making sure that it is all precisely correct yet, it will not log you in; this can be considered an example of a bug. Also, for instance, if you are using an app such as Instagram, and you have personalized your account theme to appear as a “dark” layout, then after, it goes right back to the “light” or app default theme. This can also be an example of a bug or error in the application. Sure, the second example is undoubtedly less severe, though the fact remains evident that a bug is an inconvenient problem.
Fix 1 – Turn Off Notifications
It is very possible that having your notifications enabled for the Snapchat app could be the origin of the bug problem. As previously depicted, a bug issue can take many forms though any form it may take, but it is still a problem nonetheless. The Snapchat notifications are very helpful and handy at keeping you up to date with all of your activity on the app and your friend’s activity on the app. This is evident in the option to be notified when your friends have posted a new snap or have interacted with one of your snaps. One viable option to fix this notifications bug issue is to turn off the Snapchat notifications simply. Luckily, accessing your Snapchat notifications settings is relatively simple, especially if you have experienced problems with it before, then you will already know where to go. If you are not familiar, we should start by turning off the notifications settings for your phone. If you are using an iPhone, you can very easily change and adjust your app notifications settings by following these steps.
- Firstly, start by going to and opening your iPhone’s Settings app.
- Secondly, proceed to the “Notifications” option and select it.
- After, you can either select an app in particular or apply the settings to all by grouping.
- Here, you will find the switch to turn notifications for the app(s) on or off; in this scenario, you will want to switch the Snapchat notifications setting to “Off.” If you are on Android, you can follow these simple steps to reach your app’s notifications settings.
- Starting at your Android’s home page, locate and open the Settings app.
- Find and tap on the “Apps & Notifications” option, indicated by an icon with nine dots on it.
- After that, you will want to select the “Notifications” option.
- Here is where you will find all of your app’s notifications settings, and if you were just on the Snapchat app, it should be at the top.
- Locate the Snapchat app, and beside it, you can slide it left to turn notifications off.
- After you have turned off notifications for the Snapchat app, go ahead and open the app again, then check if you can see the views list. To do this, open the Snapchat app, then tap on your story at the top left corner; on the following page, select the “My Story” option under the “My Stories” option; and then choose any of your stories to see how many or who has viewed it.
Fix 2 – Log Out and Log In
When encountering this bug problem with an app, it can serve you well to log out of your account and then log back in. This can help the app and its servers essentially re-evaluate your account and the requests being made by it. In this case, the request would be to check your views list for your stories. So, when you log back into your account, it should help clear minor imperfections such as this. It is easy for most of us to stay logged into our accounts, typically for practicality’s sake, so you do not have to log back in every time you open the app; with this in mind, you may not be familiar with how to log out of your Snapchat account. Luckily, it is effortless, and you can do so by following these steps:
- If you are not currently on it, go ahead and open the Snapchat app.
- Then select your profile icon in the top left corner of the screen.
- After, tap on the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- On the settings menu that will unfold, you will want to scroll to the very bottom and select the “Log Out” option.
- After completing these steps, you will be logged out of your Snapchat account, and then on the following page it will take you to; you can log back in, and this should clear up the bug issue.
Fix 3 – Clear the Cache
An excellent way to go about clearing out a bug in an app is to clear the app cache for the application. The app cache is vital to the app, as it gathers information, data, and memory. All of this is gathered to gear the app towards performing better, such as opening faster and processing quicker. The app cache also serves to help the application work quicker for you; that’s where the “memory” part comes in. With that said, do not worry about losing any information or data when you clear the app cache, as it will not remove anything important to you or the app. Now, as mentioned before, this “memory” that it gathers can be very helpful, though it can also hold a bug in it; therefore, the issue will return the next time you use the app. This is one of the reasons it is good to clear the app cache of all of your apps. If you are on your iPhone, you can easily clear the app cache for Snapchat by following these easy steps:
- Starting at your iPhone home page, you will want to go to and open the Settings app.
- Scroll through and locate the “General” option and select it.
- After, you will want to tap on “iPhone Storage.” Under this, you will find an extensive list of the apps on your iPhone; scroll through and locate the Snapchat app. This is where apps on iPhone can differ; you may see a “Clear Cache” option and if you do, select it to clear the app cache. However, there typically will be two options, one being “Delete App,” and the other is “Offload App.”. In this case, you will want to select the “Offload App” option. In the scenario that you had to select the “Offload App” option, this will clear the app cache, but it will also remove the app. You can redownload the app in the Apple App Store, and it will retain all of your information and data. This will clear the app cache for the Snapchat app on your iPhone. If you are on Android, it is simple enough to clear the app cache for Snapchat; simply follow these steps:
- For your Android home screen, move to and open the Settings app.
- Then scroll to and select the “Storage” option.
- From here, you will want to tap on the “Other Apps” category.
- Locate and select the app in question, which in this scenario is the Snapchat app.
- Afterward, tap on the “Clear Cache” option, and this will clear the app cache for the Snapchat app. This will clear the app cache for the Snapchat app, and as previously stated, this will not remove any critical information or data pertaining to the app and your Snapchat account. Keep in mind that the cache will refill after you leave the page, but this is entirely normal and will not affect what you are doing.
2. The Bummer of Them All…Snapchat is Down
I am sure we have all seen that dreadful message, “Server is down. Wait for the server to resolve.” Unfortunately, this is the truth of the situation. See, you may already know, but for those who do not, websites and apps alike both use servers to hold and store information and data; not only that, but they also cover base functions such as answering requests from users. So, with an app like Snapchat, the servers hold and store all of its user’s information and data; they also answer requests from the said users such as you. For example, when you log into Snapchat, a request for the action is sent to the server(s), and under normal circumstances, the server(s) is to respond by allowing you access to your account. That is more or less the function of the server(s). With that said, from time to time, a server or servers will go down, which can be caused by a number of possibilities. Such as a network card experiencing issues, a server(s) losing power, or possibly scheduled routine maintenance for the said server(s). While this can be frustrating and inconvenient, maintenance is very much necessary, and problems are essentially bound to occur. With that in mind, when your Snapchat app tells you, “Server is down. Wait for it to resolve.” this is what it means, and when your Snapchat app doesn’t even respond, this could certainly be the root of the issue.
Fix 1 – Wait For Snapchat Servers to Correct Itself
As previously depicted, a server(s) can go under maintenance from time to time and or experience issues; therefore, it goes down. This downtime can be brought on by a number of possible problems; it could be that the servers lost power, the operating system on a server experienced an issue, or it is simply time for maintenance to be carried out on the machine. Unfortunately, in this situation, there is not much you can do other than kick back and wait for the problem to be resolved. This is a big bummer, but it can also be seen as an opportunity; this time could be used for something else while you are waiting. There are many ways to occupy your time while you are waiting for the servers to come back up. You could make sure that all of your house plants are happy and water; you could potentially take your dog, cat, or even your ferret for a walk. It is up to you how you fill your time, but anyway you cut it, you must wait for the server(s) to come back up; unfortunately, there is no way around it.
3. Poor Internet Connection
Another possibility of what could be causing the problem here is your internet connection. Your internet connection plays a big part in what you can or cannot do while online. For example, if you want to watch a YouTube video and as soon as you begin watching it, you realize you want to text your friend about it; so you quickly type up a text and hit send, the text is much more likely to go through before the YouTube video is fully loaded. This is because the internet connection strength needed to send a text message is a lot less than it is to load a typical length YouTube video fully.
Fix 1 – Switch From WIFI to Data and Vice Versa
An excellent answer to this internet connection issue is to switch up which connection you are using. So, if you are using your mobile service data and are experiencing problems or a weak connection, you will want to switch over to an accessible WiFi internet connection (if possible.) If you are using a WiFi network internet connection and you are having problems or are experiencing a weak connection, it might be wise to switch over to your mobile service data. When having issues with a WiFi internet connection, there are many possibilities as to why you are having problems, it could be a problem with your router, or it could also be an issue with your modem; both problems are easily fixed.
How to Get More Snapchat Story Views
Anyone who posts on Snapchat or any other social media app for that matter, they all want views, and why not? Almost everybody wants other people to see and experience their life, their content, and or their creations. There is no shame in it either, and everyone has the right to share their point of view, art, or almost anything that they deem fit for sharing. So, when your friend says that they do not want hundreds of views or like, there is a small part of them that does; it is only human nature to want to fit in and to be liked and or admired by others, and this can be boiled down to wanting companionship. There is nothing wrong with wanting all of your friends and their friends to see your story; as living beings, we all crave attention in some form or another. With this in mind, we have got some helpful tips to get you the story views you would like.
1. Make Sure the Story Looks Good From the Thumbnail
One good thing to focus on to get more views is your story’s thumbnail. The thumbnail is very important as this is one of the first things your friends (and others, depending on your audience setting) will see. First off, make sure that the image fits the thumbnail bubble accurately, and second, you will want to make sure it is bright; it may sound ridiculous, but bright colors draw the human eye to them; this is true for all ages. While on the subject of what draws the eye, you will want to keep up on trending colors, and you can find out what they are by a simple browser search. For example, this year’s colors are warm neutrals, dusty pastels, and soothing blues and greens. It is good to know what your audience wants, and the best place to start is a basic human instinct, as depicted by using trending colors and colors that draw the human eye.
2. Get More Friends
It only makes sense; the more friends you have, the more views you will get on your story. There are a lot of ways to get more friends on Snapchat, and one way is to be open about your account to your friends that are not on Snapchat. You can do this by sharing your Snapchat account with other social media apps such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. You can also share your Snapchat account in person, and this could be when you are hanging with a group of friends or while at a party or get-together.
3. Make Your Snapchat Story Public
This way also simply makes sense; if you make your Snapchat story public, more people are likely to view it. When you first start on Snapchat, your stories will automatically be set to “Private,” this sets it to that only your friends can view your story, but you can change your Snapchat story settings at any point. You are going to want to switch your story settings to “Public” this makes it to that everyone can see your story, not just your friends; essentially, you are opening the doors wide open for anyone to view your story, which can only result in more views. Now, you are going to want to change your Snapchat story settings, and you can do so by following these easy steps:
- If you are not currently in the app, head over to the Snapchat app and open it, and if necessary, log in with your appropriate credentials.
- After you have successfully opened and logged into your Snapchat account, you will want to select your profile icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. This is where you can find options such as your friend list, your Snapchat username, stories, etc.
- Next, you will want to locate the “My Stories” option, and this is where you can change your story settings.
- Now, you will need to select the “Three Dots” from the “Add to My Story” section on your right side. This option is, of course, under the “My Stories” section.
- On this menu, you will want to locate and select the “Story Settings” option. This will take you to the page “Who Can View My Story.”
- Once you have opened the “Story Settings,” you can now toggle the option to change it to “Everyone” this will make your story available for viewing for everyone.
- This will make your Snapchat story public; therefore, anyone will be able to view your Snapchat story.
4. Post at Certain Times
You may have heard the saying, “timing is everything,” and this is true for when you post your Snapchat story. There are certain times for posting that are considered ideal or the best to reach more people, and for Snapchat, this would be within the hours of 10:00 PM and 1:00 AM. See, with Snapchat, most user activity occurs within these hours. Therefore, if you post during these times, you are more likely to gather more views on your story. You can relate this to how most wise fishermen go fishing at dawn and dusk (morning and twilight) since these are the prime hours for fishing. As previously stated, almost everyone wants more views on their stories, posts, and content; it is only human to want attention from others and to be a part of something. With these helpful tips, you should have no problem gathering more views on your Snapchat story, and with our useful tech fixes, you will have the solutions to nearly any tech issue you may run into. Remember, it is always good to keep up on updating your devices and your apps, as this can only serve you well in the future. Keep in mind that if you want more friends on Snapchat, you will need to be kind to all walks of people and mean it. Kindness goes a long way, and when you get negative messages/comments, since they are inevitable on any social media app, the best you can do is completely ignore them, do not give them any of your time or energy; it is simply not worth your time nor energy. Also, break out of the box here and there, and do something out of the ordinary to draw people’s attention; you can also test this on a burner account and see how it goes; if it goes well, then use it on your actual account. We hope you found this article helpful.